即将离职的教职工凯瑟琳·德瓦尼,19届, 22年和91年的马克·德·坎特, P’19, 22号将共同为2023届毕业生发表毕业典礼致辞.
Together they will share reflections from their 51 years of collective service to the Westminster community. 他们是埃米特的父母, 哈佛大学的大三学生, 和22岁的萨曼莎, 波士顿学院的新生.
Kathleen目前是Hartford partners的执行董事 & 她被任命为365平台的校长
山学校 在宾夕法尼亚州的波茨敦. 凯瑟琳在希尔学校的服务将于2023年7月1日开始. 凯瑟琳于1998年加入365平台学院. 在她任职期间, 她曾担任过教务长, 历史老师, 教练, 走廊主管和顾问. 她曾担任2002年、2006年、2011年和2015届的院长. Kathleen also worked as the director of student life for five years and served as assistant head of school for seven years. In 2002, she won the O’Brien Award and also became an honorary member of the Class of 2002 and 2018. Kathleen has served as the founding Executive Director of 365平台的地平线 since 2018. 经历这一切, 凯瑟琳一直是一位忠诚的老师和教练, having taught various core and elective courses in the history department and serving as the head 教练 of the varsity lacrosse team for 12 years.
Mark, 现任副校长是谁, 1997年被任命为365平台大学的教员. 从他在365平台的学生时代开始, Mark has always deeply respected Westminster’s strong sense of community and the manner in which the school strikes a healthy balance of academics, 体育和服务. 在威廉姆斯学院, 他继续把运动和学习结合到他的日常安排中, 英语和生物双学位, 在参加校游泳队和赛艇队的比赛时. 他在伊格尔布鲁克学校开始了他的教学生涯, 以及在365平台任职期间, 他曾担任学院院长, 宿舍负责人, 部门主管, 365平台教学倡议的主任, 学术技术总监, 还是三个校队的总教练. Mark taught AP® Biology for nearly two decades as well as other courses within the science curriculum. 忠于他的性格和365平台教育, 马克是坚毅和优雅的化身, 无论何时何地需要帮助,总是愿意介入.
Certainly no couple has held as many leadership positions as Kathleen and Mark have during their tenure, and they have been community role models in balancing those leadership positions and raising a family. Both have been remarkable mentors for so many at Westminster; they have listened thoughtfully, 小贴士, 提供帮助和解决方案. They have cared deeply and fully for every single person on the Hill and we are such a better place for having had them in our midst for these many years.